Русские песни на разных языках
"Мир спасти невозможно" - суть Западной философии  
"Мир спасать не следует" - Восточной
"Мир спасать можно и нужно" - суть Северной, она же русская    


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Русские песни на разных языках





Letter to Mother

Still around, old dear? How are you keeping?
I too am around. Hello to you!
May that magic twilight ever be streaming
Over your cottage as it used to do.

People write how sad you are, and anxious
For my sake, though you won't tell them so,
And that you in your old-fashioned jacket
Out onto the highroad often go.

That you often see in the blue shadows
Ever one dream, giving you no rest:
Someone in a drunken tavern scuffle
Sticks a bandit knife into my chest.

Don't go eating your heart out with worry,
It's just crazy nonsense and a lie.
I may drink hard, but I promise, mother,
I shall see you first before I die.

I love you as always and I'm yearning
In my thoughts for just one thing alone,
Soon to ease my heartache by returning
To our humble low-roofed country home.

I'll return when decked in white the branches
In our orchard are with spring aglow.
But no longer wake me up at sunrise,
As you used to do eight years ago.

Do not waken dreams no longer precious,
Hope never fulfilled do not excite.
It was my misfortune to experience
Loss and weariness too early in my life.

Don't teach me to pray. Please, mother!
There's no going back, try as you might.
You alone give me support and comfort,
You alone glow with a magic light.

So forget your cares, please. Don't be anxious
And for my sake, dear, don't worry so.
Out onto the road in your old-fashioned
Jacket, please do not so often go

Отговорила роща золотая

The grove of golden trees has fallen silent,
Shorn of its gay leaves, in mute silhouette,
And so the cranes in sad file past it flying
Have no cause any more to feel regret.

For whom, for what? We are all rovers, starting
Out, coming home awhile, then traveling on.
The hemp field's dreaming of all who departed
And there's a full moon gazing at the pond.

I stand alone, the bare expanses viewing,
While on the wind the cranes are borne away.
Remembrance of my merry youth pursuing,
I find nothing I would relive today.

I don't regret the years that I have wasted,
I don't regret the lilac time of life.
A rowan fire is in the orchard blazing
But none shall from its brightness warmth derive.

Red rowan-berry clusters cannot scorch you,
The grasses will no yellow and decline.
As leaves fall softly from a tree in autumn
So I let fall these mournful words of mine.

And if time with its breezy broom should pile them
Into a heap to burn without regret…
Just say this … that the golden grove fell silent,
Shorn of its leaves, in pensive silhouette.


Here birds don’t ever sing,
Here trees are scarce in spring
Alone we grow into the soil,
Together interlinked

The planet spins and smolders heated,
Through smoke, we watch our country burn
This means at last one victory is needed,
Just one for all of us. The price is no concern!

Not far away, the deadly shelling’s starting,
But it’s in vain at any rate
Cast doubt aside,
Into the night
Is Paratrooper’s Number Ten detached Brigade

Just as the fight dies down,
New orders now resound,
And then the postman will go mad
As we cannot be found

Up overhead a crimson rocket’s speeding,
Machineguns’ fire won’t adjourn
This means at last a victory is needed,
Just one for all of us. The price is no concern!

From Kursk down to Oryol
The war spins in a whirl
And to the gates of enemies
My brother, we are hurled

We will look back once we’ve succeeded
With disbelief at every turn,
But here today one victory is needed,
Just one for all of us. The price is no concern!




Миллион алых роз

Миллион алых роз

Ка-нанан они хуага-е
вэ-роун сарани яги
Кыга сарахан кы-нёнын
пёль тсёром пин-нанын ёин

Кынерыль вихэйсо пачинын
тсёрайан маджимак саран
Кы-э кирым согэ тамтын
модын-усым куа нунмульыр пара


Пэгман сони пэгман сони пэгман сони джанми рыль
Кюдэ егэ кюде егэ кюддэ егэ ты рири
Саран паке саран паке саран паке моорынын
Пабо гатын намдза-га ёноныль патсинэ

тонаганын тонаганын тонаганын кюдэ-ё
хуhи обси хуhи обси модын косын чуотан
пэгман сони пэгман сони пэгман сони коот согэ
цяга юппке порёодзин сараныль итчи мао

Кы-ннё-э чанмун па-кке-со
сэбёк буто Ки-дарын-дане
Кы-э намын модын инсоныль
пэкман-сони дзян-ми вуа паккунче

Сэ-санын кы-э сарагыль
мо-дута пи-у-сотcиман
Кы-ннёы мисо рыр Боме
он-сэ-саныль мо-дуда одоне


Пэгман сони...

Ки-цянын тона-ганда-нэ кумэ чихан кы-нёль тэуго
Са ран-до тона-ганда-нэ модын голь пачин- намджарыр туго
Сэ вуо рын хараго хыллё пульгин джанминын си-дыратчиман
У-ри-нын киёк хкынданэ пэкман-сони джанми-э саран



Ystavan laulu (Песня о друге)

Ystavan laulu

Mista tunnet sa ystavan
onko oikea sulle han
Anna meren sen selvittaa
kuka viereesi jaa.
Ja jos silloin kun myrsky soi
vain sun kumppanis vaikeroi.
Vene lahimpaan rantaan vie
jaakoon pois mika lie.

Mista tunnet sa ystavan
onko oikea sulle han
Anna tunturin selvittaa
kuka viereesi jaa.
Kun on kaukana kaikki muut
ja kun paattyvat pitkospuut.
Kuka rinnallas ruikuttaa
takaisin menna saa.

Mista tunnet sa ystavan
onko oikea sulle han.
Ajat ankeimmat selvittaa
kuka viereesi jaa.
Kun on sinulla vaikeaa
ja kun tarvitset auttajaa
silloin ystavyys punnitaan
menee muut menojaan.

Siita tunnet sa ystavan
kun on vierellas viela han.
Turhat tuttavat silloin ois
havinneet pian pois


Песня о друге





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